Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Few Days in SA -- By Meg

After ACM we had to make a four day trip to South Africa to have 
some medical appointments and to have some work done on our car. 

We had fun doing stuff that we can't do in Nampula. 

We saw two movies, shopped at the mall a couple of times, and also 
went out to eat for almost every meal! 

We had pizza delivered at 10:00pm one night. It was AWESOME!
I was able to see my sweet friend Anna this time! We have been wanting to both be in SA at the same time and it finally worked for us to get together! It was so awesome getting to see her!

We then headed back up to Nampula after less than a week in SA. 
It is so good to be home!


ACM -- By Meg

A couple of weeks ago, our family traveled to Malawi, for our Annual Cluster Meeting. 
This meeting is for everyone in Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi, and Angola.
 It was so much fun to get to see everyone and hang out with friends 
that we haven't seen in a while! 

We went a couple of day earlier because our parents had another 
meeting that they had to go to.

It took us about two days to get to the place where our meeting would be 
on beautiful Lake Malawi.

On the road, there were tons of people drying out tobacco.
Apparently this is big business in this part of Mozambique.
We arrived early in the afternoon. 
We had some late lunch then went and hug out with our friends! It was so good to see them!

Meghan, Hannah, and Hadassah

The most amazing part of being on Lake Malawi is seeing the sunsets!

Before ACM officially started our parents had a three day meeting. 
So, us girls walked around trying to find stuff to do with our friends! 

Then tons of people arrived and the meeting got started. I don't have any pictures of what the adults or children did all day, but I do have a few from what the youth did.

We then started on another adventure. 

After ACM we headed down to South Africa for some medical appointments
 and to have some work done on our car. 
