Friday, November 11, 2011

Shot Clinic

This is Meghan! I am finally doing my first blog post.

Today we had our shots. I was excited because we only had to have a half day of school!

After mom and dad picked us up we went to lunch and then to check-in. The way it works is you check-in and watch a movie while they are getting our paperwork. We waited and watched veggie-tales. After about 30 min. we went to the clinic. The "clinic"is a separate building where they give you your shots. They call your name and you go back. They let 1 parent and 1 child go in. They always have a party for you afterwards. You get candy and noise makers.

Here we are waiting for them to call our name.

Here this little girl had just got her shots and her dad was getting his. Daddy offered to hold her and she loved him.

A prayer team came and helped take care of children while their parents were getting shots.

We all had to get a TB test and here are our band-aids.

Here are all of us and our shots.

Here are how many needles each person got stuck with:


I am glad we are 2/3 done with getting shots!

I hope you liked my first blog post!



  1. Great post, Meghan!
    The real question is what kind of band-aid did your dad choose?? :)
